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Senior Python Developer Job Description +2023 TEMPLATE

By December 28, 2021September 25th, 2023No Comments

Once the values in a frozenset are set, they cannot be changed. Frozenset is immutable and thus, hashable, and can be used as a dictionary key or as an element of another set. Methods from set on frozenset cannot be used and updated.

For the list of built-in names, Namespace is created when the Python interpreter starts. When a Python interpreter reads the definition of a module, it creates a global namespace for that module. When a Python interpreter calls a function, it creates a local namespace for that function. Now on the stack, the reference to a (that is stored on the private heap) is stored. The garbage collector’s job is to delete the objects (on the private heap) that are no longer referenced, meaning, it deletes the objects whose reference count reached zero.

Explain the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL).

Below you can find some concepts of writing scalable code for Python Core to include in your answer to this interview question. The slow overall performance of Python, its limited multiprocessing and threading capabilities are considered to be the major pitfalls of this programming language. NumPy uses less storage, is faster, and has many vector and matrix operations that eliminate the need for oftentimes unnecessary work.

  • This can be done by adding the following line after “#!
  • Each namespace in Python can have a different lifetime.
  • We can even use Docstring comments at run time as an interactive help manual.
  • In a distributed system there are different machines that communicate with each other to do a job.
  • Since the is operator is to compare the memory locations of two variables, the a is b should output True, and the x is y should output False.

Therefore, all the integers in [-5, 256] have been already saved in the memory. When a new integer variable in this range is declared, Python just references the cached integer to it and won’t create any new object. Flask aims at small applications while Django and Pyramid were created for larger projects. Pyramid is very flexible, developers can choose all the tools they want from database to templating style. The keyword self defines an instance or object of a class and helps to differentiate between methods and attributes of a class.

How do you create an empty dictionary?

We are backed by Accel Partners & ANSR, a global leader and enterprise transformation platform. PYTHONPATH is an environment variable when a module gets imported. It is used to look up the presence of imported modules in various directories. As a result, the code will work because it won’t produce any errors. Start today by requesting a demo or posting a job for free to discover how Workable can help you find and hire great people.

senior python developer interview questions

They implement the ‘__iter__()’ and ‘next()’ methods for iteration. Typed languages are those where data are either known by the machine at compile-time or runtime. Dynamically typed languages don’t require predefined data for variables and determine types at runtime based on values. Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its simplicity and readability. It boasts dynamic typing and automatic garbage collection, accommodating various programming paradigms such as structured, object-oriented, and functional approaches.

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Send us your CV and we’ll match your skills with our top job while you get ready for your next Java interview. Help() function displays all the documentation and information about modules, attributes, and so on. Pass by reference is passing of the reference to the original.

senior python developer interview questions

In Python, we use range(0,10) to create a list in memory for 10 numbers. Python provides another function xrange() that is similar to range() but xrange() returns a sequence of objects instead of a list of objects. In xrange() all the values are not stored in simultaneously in memory. The benefit of xrange() over range() is very minimal in regular scenarios.

Role-specific questions

While the Python interpreter is using GIL to lock T1, all other threads have to wait. After T1 finishes, it releases GIL and passes it to another thread T2 that needs it. The reason for the GIL presence is to make CPython thread-safe and not allow some threads to interfere with one another.

senior python developer interview questions

Some of the biggest names in the software development industry, such as Google, Dropbox, Netflix, Facebook, and Spotify, use Python for their applications. This is the median salary, with experienced senior Python developers earning more than INR 1 million a year. A docstring in Python is a string used for adding comments or summarizing a piece of code in Python. The main difference between javadoc and docstring is that docstring is available during runtime as well. Whereas, javadoc is removed from the bytecode and it is not present in .class file.

What are Access Specifiers in Python?

In a distributed system there are different machines that communicate with each other to do a job. Using libraries like Apache Spark or Ray can be a good approach for scalability. For example, thread T1 acquires GIL and does its job.

senior python developer interview questions

However, Python can be treated as procedural as well as structural language. A lambda expression in Python is used for creating an anonymous function that can accept any number of arguments, but can only have a single expression. It is generally used in situations requiring an anonymous function for a short time period.

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